Citrix MetaFrame XP 1.0 for Windows with Feature Release 2


F. Трассировка подсистем IMA

Используйте эту таблицу для определения, какие ключи реестра отвечают за различные подсистемы

MetaFrame XP System Subsystems to Trace
Application Management, Application Folders ImaAdminSal
COM/SDK, Citrix Management Console Remote Access
Common Application settings

(LM, IM, MF, Unix)

ImaAppSal, ImaAppSs
Common Server

(Общие свойства сервера фермы и перечисление серверов)

ImaSrvSal, ImaSrvSs
Хранилище даных (включая локальный кеш) Directory Subsystem, System\DataStoreDriver,

Profiling\DataStore, Profiling\LHC,


Dynamic Store Runtime\DynamicStore, Profiling\DynamicStore
File Browsing IMA_FileSS
Folder Enumeration ImaGrpSal, IMAGroup
Host Resolver Runtime\HostResolver
Ilicense Ilicense
IMA Browser IMA_Browser
IMA Program Interface

(Terminal Services, прочее ПО)

ImaRpc, ImaLicRpc, ImaMfRpc
IMS ImsSal
Licensing LicenseSal, IMA_License
Load Management LmsSal, LMS_Subsystem
MetaFrame Applications

(enumeration and properties)

MfAppSal, MFApp
MetaFrame Server Properties

(ICA Display, MetaFrame Settings)

MfSrvSal, MFSrvSs
Policy Policy
Printer Management and Printer Drivers MfPrintSal, IMA_Printer, ImaRelSal, IMARelationship
Printer Replication ImaDistSal, IMADistribution
Program Neighborhood MfPNSal
Remote Access Remote Access
Runtime Runtime\Runtime
Service Locator Runtime\ServiceLocator
Subscription Manager Runtime\SubscriptionManager
User Management

(User Lists, Viewing and Launching

Applications. Network Printer Auto-creation)

ImaUserSal, IMA_AAMS, WinDrvSS, NDSDrvSS
Zone Manager Runtime\ZoneManager


Содержание раздела